Friday, March 20, 2015

Monster Shaming!

Monster shaming!

Here at Monster Den we have put together some of our worst monster offenders!
Which are your favorites?

1. Super Hero Monster

He has a naughty habit of ringing his friends up and barking like a dog! He thinks its hilarious.....

He can be found in my Etsy shop: super-hero

2. Uncle

Uncle was caught using his brothers toothbrush to clean up his favorite trainers!

Link to Uncle is Here

3. Zombie dog!

This little undead dog just loves to drink from the toilet bowl! He has been caught at it at least 5 times this week!
You can buy Zombie Dog here!

4. Ninja!

Ninja is super sneaky and uses his special skills to creep up and dunk his biscuits in other peoples tea when they aren't looking. No one would have noticed if he hadn't dropped half of his custard cream in Uncle's tea !( plop!)

Get Ninja Here!

5. Mummy Monster!

This guy has been responsible for all the missing toilet roll!!! He likes to run around with the toilet roll wrapped around him!
See mummy at my shop - MummyMonster link

6. Grey Zombie

This zombie puked in his dad's slippers - urgghhh!
Link here!

7. Green Karaoke Monster

When this guy isn't singing he can be found wherever there is cake! He is shamed for eating all the cake at his friends house last week
Get him here :)

8. Dr Monster

Its no secret that this nerdy Monster has some social skill problems! No biscuit is safe from this guy - he has a very bad habit of licking all the biscuits on the plate!
Don't do science alone! Get Dr. Monster to help!

I hope you like my selection of naughty monsters! Please do share this and visit my Etsy shop and facebook page  :)